Pastoral Staff

Steve Reasor
Lead Pastor
Dr. Steve Reasor has accepted the role of lead pastor at Village Church following 22 years of ministry and teaching in Alberta. He and his family are settling into the Walla Walla Valley and are enjoying exploring the beautiful outdoors in this part of the country. Steve is a pastor, teacher, and author. He looks forward to growing with the Village Church community in Faith, Hope, and Love.

Michael Smith
Youth Pastor
Pastor Michael has been pastoring in the Upper Columbia Conference for seven years. He is the new Youth and Family pastor at Village Church and is excited to be back in the Walla Walla Valley, where he grew up and attended University. He enjoys the outdoors and spending time with people and looks forward to continuing to serve this wonderful community.
Ministry Staff
Support Staff

Jody Johnson
Office Manager
Jody has lived in the great Northwest for most of her life. She loves hiking in the beautiful mountains and camping with family and friends, as well as, gardening. She has two boys and a sister.
With a heart for people, Jody feels blessed to be part of the hub of church activity as the office manager. Among the many tasks Jody tackles every week are assembling the church bulletin information, answering myriads of questions from members and visitors over the phone and through email, coordinating the use of vehicles and church facilities, scheduling the Youth Center, and much more.

Sherry Keller
Sherry and her husband have two kids and love being part of the church. As treasurer Sherry is responsible for coordinating the financial side of church operations, evangelism and ministry. Sherry often gives valuable input into the vision and direction of the church and her generosity and kindness lubricate the gears of ministry.